Club Corbeau

Club Corbeau

The Club Corbeau is an international non-profit association of Belgium law and based in Brussels for over 20 years. It represents a network of persons and organisations advocating for a better integration within Europe. The Club Corbeau is a membership driven organisation.


Our Mission

We are a network of actors working in the field of health care and social economy, striving for a stronger cohesion and cooperation in Europe particularly in the social, health, education, and economic areas. We campaign for social answers and solutions and promote a holistic view on Europe.

We provide independent platforms for forward looking thinking and exchange between main actors and experts from the fields and decision-making persons from EU-institutions and representing bodies of civil society in Brussels.

We influence policies, build capacities, and facilitate mutual learning and understanding.


“The european future must aim towards a European Union, which is more sovereign and united, more democratic and subsidiary, and protects and benefits people and businesses.”

— Alois G. Steidel, former President



Our activities serve the purpose of the association, such as

  • Organisation of various events and workshops on policy and practice in Brussels

  • Organisation of dialogues and exchange platforms on forward looking issues and solutions in Brussels

  • Monitoring and communication on policy development at a National and a European level

  • Support interest groups and partnerships between members

  • Development of initiatives and projects promoting social cohesion and cultural understanding



The Club Corbeau cooperates with further organisations striving for a similar cause, such as the Ayinger Gespräche (Ayinger Dialogue).





Dominik Schröter

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Weidemann-Gruppe GmbH


Vice President

Manfred Schneider

Manfred Schneider

CEO BMB, Gesellschaft für Begleitsysteme und Monitoring Brüssel s.a. and Co-host of Ayinger Gespräche





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